We are pleased to announce the Symposium on Simulation for Architecture and Urban Design at the 2010 Spring Simulation Conference (SpringSim'10) in Orlando, Florida USA from 12-15 April 2010.
We introduce the new Symposium on Simulation for Architecture and Urban Design (SimAUD) to bring together multiple disciplines to focus on this important area. Buildings are the largest consumers of energy, responsible for 48% of all greenhouse gas emissions; due to the complexity and multidisciplinary dimensions of this area, modeling and simulation are valuable techniques to understand and address this enormous challenge. Simulation is also an effective way to understand human traffic flow, air quality, noise, disaster and emergency response, urban growth, etc. ScientistsResearchers in simulation, architecture, urban design and planning, HCI, ubicomp, infoviz, etc., engineers, software developers, managers, educators, and business professionals who develop or use modeling, simulation, visualization, validation, or interaction techniques or tools related to the built environment are invited to participate and present original papers, data sets, and videos.
SimAUD is where the Architecture community meets the Simulation community, as well as the UbiComp, Design, HCI, InfoViz and Computer Graphics communities. We are also interested in research from related fields as they apply to the built environment.
All submissions are peer-reviewed and considered for selection by the Committee. All accepted papers will be published in the ACM Digital Library. The conference is run in collaboration with ACM/SIGSIM and is sponsored by The Society for Modeling and Simulation International.
We invite research works in several categories:
Papers & Notes
Papers and Notes are archival publications (archival format, 8 pages maximum for papers, 4 pages maximum for Notes) of original research with a focus on Architecture and Urban Design in modeling & simulation, visualization, ubiquitous computing, human-computer interaction, or other related fields. Papers present significant contributions to research and practice in the SimAUD areas. Notes present brief and focused research contributions that are noteworthy but may not merit a full paper. The submission of accompanying video figures is strongly encouraged as most papers benefit from the succinct communication of a video.
Papers, Notes, and accompanying video figures will be archived at the ACM Digital Library.
Data Sets (With Note)
Data Sets are archival publications (collection of ZIP files together with Note) of original data together with a Note (4 pages maximum) that outlines the history of the data set, its value to the community, and instructions on how to use it. For example, a Data Set submission may include a detailed Building Information Model (BIM) of a real or virtual building that would be of use to the SimAUD community for simulation testing or cross-validation. Another example would be a conceptual model of a process or event expressed as CD++ DEVS nodes. Other data sets could be point clouds, sensor data, programs, models of HVAC units, fridges, escalators, geothermal, etc. Many scientific communities suffer from a lack of access to high-quality detailed data sets and algorithms. At SimAUD, an accepted peer-reviewed data set is recognized as a significant contribution to science and is considered as equivalent to an archival contribution (in the form of the accompanying Note). By providing a Data Set track, we hope to encourage researchers and practitioners to share their data for the greater good of the community.
Data in Data Sets will be archived at www.simaud.org and the accompanying Note archived in the ACM Digital Library.
NOTE: As the concept of a Data Set submission is new, we present an invited Data Set paper to show the intended content. The invited data set is from the Digital 210 King project and contains a detailed 3D building model. Of course, other data set types will be quite different so please add sections you believe to be appropriate. Also, in addition to the submitted short paper for a data set, we expect the data set files to be quite large so please do not attempt to submit the actual data set files through the online paper submission system. To submit the actual data set files, please email Michael Glueck to make arrangements.
Video Showcase (with Extended Abstract)
Many architecture and urban design projects communicate visions of a proposed future. Video is among the best ways to communicate these visions. We invite video submissions of high-quality scientific visualizations of architecture or urban design projects, interactive design decision support systems, compelling animations of construction simulation, and more. Submissions of high-quality videos for peer-review are invited for exhibition at the SimAUD symposium.
Files for Videos will be archived at www.simaud.org and the accompanying Extended Abstract archived in the ACM Digital Library.
Lingua Franca: Invited Papers, Data Sets, and Videos
During this first year of SimAUD, in order to help bring together diverse disciplines we aim to establish a common language of perspectives, case studies, techniques or technologies. One way to start this process is through invited works. The Committee may internally evaluate and invite certain papers, data sets, or videos to include in the symposium outside the formal peer-review process. To nominate research that you believe would be beneficial to building this new community, please email any of the committee members with suggestions.
Key Dates (All Submission Types)
Abstracts Deadline: November 20, 2009
The Abstract submission should be a short paragraph describing the topics to be covered in the full submission (to be submitted one week later). The Abstracts will NOT be reviewed and are simply to help the Committee to begin to recruit the number of reviewers needed in the appropriate sub-disciplines.
Submission Deadline: December 4, 2009
This is the date when papers (archival format, 8 pages maximum for full papers, 4 pages maximum for short papers), data sets, and videos must be submitted. At least 3 reviewers will be assigned to each submission. The review process will be double-blind.
Acceptance Notification: January 29, 2010
Authors will receive their peer-review feedback and acceptance decision by this date. Accepted works will then have a short period of time to integrate reviewer feedback before submitting the final Camera-ready deadline.
Camera-ready Due: February 5, 2010
At this date, final submissions of accepted works are due.
Conference Presentations: April 12-15, 2010
Authors will present their works at the venue in Orlando Florida, USA during the Symposium on Simulation for Architecture and Urban Design. See you there!
Why Submit to SimAUD?
Unlike other research conferences and symposia that merely provide a venue for publishing research on a particular topic, SimAUD will work to build a closer community for cross-pollinating domain knowledge, collaborative work and co-authoring of research that envisions the future of the built environment. Important to this work is understanding and modeling our current built and natural environments. From there, we can validate our simulations against existing physical systems. Once validated, we can have confidence that simulating new designs or design alternatives, will accurately compute outcomes. Therefore we encourage the submission of case studies documenting lessons learned so that SimAUD can also be a resource of best practices. Papers may also propose extensions to modeling and simulation standards, such as IFC, gbXML, LandXML, and CityGML, to advance progress, or identify and propose new standards that are needed. We encourage members of the community to submit models of their own buildings, campuses, or cities, and to participate actively as leaders in local initiatives and solutions (which make great case study submissions too).
Simulation is a "game-changer" in architecture. We now need to minimize the impact of human activity on the environment, especially in the face of an increasing population. Within this scope, the built environment is the most significant contributor to the problems of climate change. The built environment is a complex system, and planning for change requires high-quality modeling and simulation. Single buildings are key to making change, but urban design must also be considered. By submitting your original research to SimAUD, you contribute directly to the global effort to untangle the complexities of urban development and mitigate the negative effects of human activity on the planet.
Submission Formatting
The formatting guidelines for submissions follow the SCS Formatting Kit.
As the review process will be double-blind, please anonymize your submission.
Areas of Interest
SimAUD topics include, but are not limited to:
Sustainability from Materials to Lifecycle
- modeling and goal optimization
- best practices
- case studies
- recommender systems
Design & Decision Support
- design and simulation alternatives
- sense-making
- smart visualization tools
- intelligent generation of multimedia presentations
- generation of situation-specific output (e.g., on mobile devices, wall-size displays, multi-touch screens, meeting accessibility criteria)
- human-computer interaction with simulation
Environmental Simulation
- solar / artificial lighting
- wind / rainfall
- air quality / temperature / humidity (HVAC)
- acoustic / noise / vibration
- sensor network
- power grid, Smart Grid
- traffic: road / rail / air / private / public / crowd
- sewage, water, gas
- planning and plan recognition
Disaster & Emergency Response
- fire, flood, earthquake, outbreak, attack
- evacuation / response
Energy Analysis & Simulation
- energy consumption / performance
- sensor network
Smart Building / Building Lifecycle Management M&S
- intelligent building
- responsive architecture
- real usage (people, appliances, water)
Fabrication and Construction Simulation
- robotics
- assembly strategies
- prefab
- structural
Experimental Architecture
- organic
- evolutionary
- biomimicry
- materials
- usage
- design process modeling, simulation, assistance, or automation
- languages, patterns
- BIM, gbXML, CityGML, LandXML, IFC
Retrofit, Renovation, Heritage
Philosophical Role of M&S, Critical Views, History
Symposium Chair
- Azam Khan (Autodesk Research)
Program Committee
- Robert Aish (Autodesk)
- Ramtin Attar (Autodesk Research)
- Ellen Yi-Luen Do (College of Architecture & College of Computing, Georgia Tech)
- Mark D Gross (CoDe Lab, Carnegie Mellon University)
- Kasper Hornbæk (Department of Computer Science, University of Copenhagen)
- Michael Jemtrud (School of Architecture, McGill University)
- Judit Kimpian (Head of Sustainability and Advanced Modelling, AEDAS)
- Branko Kolarevic (Faculty of Environmental Design, University of Calgary)
- Barry Leonard (Air Staff, National Defence Headquarters)
- Greg Madey (Research Professor, University of Notre Dame)
- Rivka Oxman (Vice Dean, Faculty of Architecture and Town Planning, Technion ITT)
- Gabriel Wainer (ARS Lab, Carleton University)
Last updated: Friday, January 15, 2010