Call for Submissions
Symposium Chairs:
Michela Turrin and Brady Peters
M.Turrin at and Brady.Peters at
Scientific Chairs:
William O’Brien, Rudi Stouffs, Timur Dogan
To respond to the increasing complexity of cities and buildings, computer simulations for the built environment are not only required to support both specific disciplinary expertise and interdisciplinary collaborations, but also address all scales of the built environment, from exploring new urban configurations to the design of building components. Consequently, innovation in computer simulations questions disciplinary boundaries and derives from the convergence of knowledge from different fields. The 8th annual Symposium on Simulation for Architecture and Urban Design (SimAUD) tackles the interdisciplinary aspects of the development and use of simulations to measure, predict, assess, comprehend and manage the performances of buildings and cities, in regard to their technical and non-technical requirements. SimAUD offers the opportunity to present innovative simulation methods and techniques and to discuss their roles in urban planning, architecture, engineering, construction, and management. This year's event will be held at the University of Toronto's downtown campus in the heart of Canada's largest city.
In past years, attendees have included researchers and practitioners in the fields of urban planning and design, architecture and building science, visualization and construction, as well as software developers, managers, educators, and business professionals. Past SimAUD symposia have attracted exceptionally high-quality submissions (papers, notes, works in progress, datasets, and videos). We highly encourage you to take advantage of the free downloads of previous years' proceedings.
We invite you to submit and present an original contribution for SimAUD2017. All submissions are peer-reviewed and considered for selection by the Scientific Committee. All accepted full papers (8 pages) will be published in the ACM Digital Library. However, all the accepted submissions (both full and short papers) will be published in SimAUD’s proceedings. Please observe the submission types and deadlines on the Symposium website. SimAUD is run collaboratively with ACM/SIGSIM and is sponsored by The Society for Modeling and Simulation International.
Areas of Interest
SimAUD topics include, but are not limited to:
- Simulation-based Design Generation and Exploration
- Simulation-Based Collaborative Design
- Simulation-Based Design Tools and Methods
- Multidisciplinary Design Optimization
- Simulation Performance and Scalability
- Building Comfort and Energy Performance
- Simulation of Occupant Behavior
- Simulation of Building Control
- Physics-Based Simulation in Design
- Visualization of Simulation Data
- Urban-Scale Modeling
- Design Agency & Multi-Agent Systems
- Intelligent Buildings & Building Lifecycle Management
- Sensor Networks & Building Performance Monitoring
- Interactive Environments
- Responsive Facades
- Robotic Fabrication in Design
Submission Types
Research works can be submitted in several categories:
- Full Papers (Archived at the ACM Digital Library)
- Short Papers (Not archived at the ACM Digital Library)
- Invited Papers (Archived at the ACM Digital Library)
- Posters & Videos (Not archived at the ACM Digital Library)
Note: All submissions are published in SimAUD’s Proceedings.
Important Dates
Abstracts Deadline: September 19, 2016 (Optional)
The Abstract submission should be a short paragraph describing the topics to be covered in the full submission. Abstracts are optional. They will NOT be reviewed and are simply to help the Committee recruit the number of reviewers needed in the appropriate sub-disciplines.
Update (Sep 21, 2016): Thank you to all who submitted abstracts. If you intend to submit a paper but have not yet provided an abstract, we kindly encourage you to visit the conference management system as soon as possible and create an account for your submission. This will help us plan the peer review.
Submission Deadline: December 12, 2016 (Extended)
This is the date when papers (archival format, 8 pages maximum for full papers, 4 pages maximum for short papers), posters, and accompanying videos and data sets must be submitted. The review process will be double-blind.
Acceptance Notification: January 23, 2017
Authors will receive their peer-review feedback and acceptance decision by this date. Accepted and conditionally accepted works will then have a short period of time to integrate reviewer feedback before submitting the final Camera-ready deadline.
Camera-ready Due: March 6, 2017
At this date, final submissions of accepted works are due.
Conference Presentations: May 22-24, 2017
Authors will present their works at the venue in Toronto, Canada during the Symposium on Simulation for Architecture and Urban Design. See you there!
Submission Types
We invite research works in several categories:
Full Papers
Full papers (max. 8 pages) present significant contributions to research and practice in the SimAUD areas. Accepted full papers will be archived at the ACM Digital Library. Links to SimAUD papers in the Digital Library are posted at
Please adhere to the 8-page limit and prepare your paper using one of the templates below:
Short Papers
Short papers are non-archived publications (max. 4 pages) that present brief and focused research contributions that are noteworthy but may not merit a full paper. Typically short papers provide an overview of research-in-progress and/or thought-provoking work relevant to the SimAUD community. They have not reached completion level necessary for jury review and acceptance as complete papers; however, authors will benefit from in-person feedback from symposium attendees.
Short papers should include:
- A focused description, and if appropriate, analysis of the work
- Potential impact of the work to the SimAUD community
- Recommendations for future research and application in practice
Please adhere to the 4-page limit and prepare your paper using one of the templates below:
Invited Papers
In order to help bring together diverse disciplines we aim to establish a common language of perspectives, case studies, techniques or technologies. One way to start this process is through invited works. The Committee may internally evaluate and invite certain papers, data sets, or videos to include in the symposium outside the formal peer-review process. To nominate research that you believe would be beneficial to building this new community, please email any of the chairs with suggestions.
Posters & Videos
Many architecture and urban design projects communicate visions of a proposed future. Posters and videos are among the best ways to communicate these visions. We invite video and poster submissions of high-quality scientific visualizations of architecture or urban design projects, interactive design decision support systems, compelling animations of construction simulation, and more. We strongly encourage authors of full and short paper submissions to also provide a high-quality video for peer-review and exhibition at the SimAUD symposium.
Accepted posters and videos will be featured at SimAUD's website. If you plan to provide a video or poster, please notify the General Chair by email prior to the submission deadline.
Data Sets
Data sets are optional (but recommended) collections of ZIP files of original data that accompany full or short paper submissions. A data set submission may include, for example, a detailed Building Information Model (BIM) of a real or virtual building that would be of use to the SimAUD community for simulation testing or cross-validation. Another example would be a conceptual model of a process or event expressed as DEVS classes. Other data sets could be point clouds, sensor data, programs, models of HVAC units, fridges, escalators, geothermal, etc. Many scientific communities suffer from a lack of access to high-quality detailed data sets and algorithms. At SimAUD, an accepted peer-reviewed data set is recognized as a significant contribution to science, and we hope to encourage researchers and practitioners to share their data for the greater good of the community.
Data sets will be linked or archived at If you plan to contribute a data set, please notify the General Chair by email prior to the submission deadline.