To attend or present at SimAUD, one must register for the 2015 Spring Simulation Multi-Conference (SpringSim). This allows one to attend any of the SpringSim tracks and symposia. Please review the information below, then click here to register.
If you are a full-time student, be sure to apply for the 50% registration discount by filling out the Student Verification Form (found here) and emailing it to to receive a discount code.
If you are a full-time (non-postdoc) student, the first author on an accepted SimAUD paper, and plan to present the paper, please let the chairs know to be considered for the Autodesk Travel Scholarship. The award will be given to a single student based on the quality and relevance of his/her paper, and covers travel, hotel, and registration fees. If the selected student has already registered and made travel plans (and we encourage students to do so), his/her conference-related expenses will be reimbursed.
Finally, all SimAUD participants may want to consider purchasing an SCS Membership, which reduces the registration fee.